Starting a Game

To begin a game, designate two opposite edges of the table for deployment (long edges if playing on a rectangular table). Then arrange ship models, cards, tokens, and all other game components as shown on pg. 8. Place the wind direction token on any of the two edges between the two players and always on a short edge if applicable. Draw an objective card and 3 cards from each of the following decks:

  • Setting: The setting cards decide how many Terrain pieces are added to the pool.

  • Deployment: Deployment cards designate each player’s deployment zone. Regardless of deployment zone, no ship may ever be deployed within Cannon Shot of an opposing ship.

  • Advantage & Conditions: These cards give players unique advantages that can assist with their strategic planning. After the cards are drawn, the player whose Flagship has the highest admiral value may choose to be the attacker or defender. If both Flagships have the same admiral value, the two Flagships will roll a Challenge Test. The winner may then choose to be the attacker or defender. Starting with the attacker, players take turns selecting 1 card from each category. Once each player has a card from each category, the remaining cards are discarded. Players now begin setting up the game by taking the following steps:

  • Place Objective Terrain If the objective card has any Terrain requirements, place those first. The defender chooses the appropriate piece of Terrain and places it as instructed on the objective card.

  • Select Terrain Starting with the defender, players then take alternating turns adding Terrain pieces to the pool from those available. The amount and type of Terrain each player may choose is determined by their Setting card.

  • Place Terrain Starting with the defender, players take turns placing a Terrain piece from the pool until there are none left. Each Terrain piece may be placed anywhere on the table, but may not be placed closer than Musket Shot to another Terrain piece. Any Terrain that is not able to be placed is removed from the game.

  • Adjust Terrain Starting with the defender, players may now take turns moving any Terrain piece placed completely within their deployment zone up to Musket Shot away from its current position. Each player may continue to move all pieces in their deployment area, but no single piece may be moved more than once during this step. Pieces may be moved to within Musket Shot of other pieces, but not overlapping, and may not be moved off of the table. Objective Terrain may never be moved in this way.

  • Deploy Squadrons Starting with the defender, each player must place their entire Squadron within their deployment zones. No player may place any of their ships within Cannon Shot of an opposing ship.

  • Choose First Initiative Card Each player selects an initiative card from their hand and places it face down. Once both players have chosen their cards, the first turn begins.

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